Going to college is an exciting journey with so many changes and adjustments. One of the biggest lessons you’ll learn is how to get enough sleep so you can be a success. “Getting adequate sleep is a challenge when young adults attend college,” says Carolyn E. Levers-Landis, PhD, “because there are so many biological and psychological changes.” Levers-Landis is a clinical psychologist and professor of pediatrics at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospitals, UH Cleveland Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland.
For the first time, young adults have complete freedom to dictate their schedules and activities. “College students also have a later circadian rhythm, with a normal sleep cycle of 1:00 to 9:00 am,” Levers-Landis says. “This is typical of adolescence into young adulthood.”
But being mindful of getting enough sleep is just as—if not more—important in college than any other time of life. “Adequate sleep relates to better attention and focus, memory, mental health and academic performance,” Levers-Landis says. “Sleep is also important for proper immune function to avoid illness (or shorten illnesses), boost energy levels and regulate mood.”
To get the restorative sleep you need, try these expert tips for developing healthy sleeping habits.
Create a calming space. “Make your sleep space comfy and cozy,” says Shelby Harris, PhD, director of sleep health at Sleepopolis. Bring your favorite pillow and choose a soft, fluffy comforter for your college bed. “And have a calming routine before bed, such as reading or stretching, to signal your body that it’s time to wind down,” she says.
Stick to a routine. “Pick a time to get up for your earliest class as late as possible. Then, try to get up within one sleep cycle (equaling about 1 to 2 hours) of that same time the rest of the week, even on weekends,” Levers-Landis says.
Avoid naps. “Nap as little as possible. If you do nap, keep it to 20 to 60 minutes and do it as early in the day as you can,” Levers-Landis says. “Napping decreases the sleep drive and makes it more difficult to fall asleep that night.”
Reserve your bed for sleep. It can be challenging in a dorm room but try to do classwork and studying somewhere other than on your bed. Use a desk, study area of your dorm or the library. By keeping your bed as a place for resting only, your brain makes a connection that your bed is a place for sleep, Levers-Landis says.
Communicate with your roommate. “Talk to your roommate about how you can support each other to have the best sleep possible,” Levers-Landis says. You may need to make some compromises, but the earlier you open the lines of communication, the more positive your living experience will be.
Work out. “Getting regular daily physical activity is a key component to healthy sleep,” Levers-Landis says. She recommends getting at least one hour of moderate to vigorous activity each day. “Being physically active builds up your need for sleep and helps with a shorter sleep onset at bedtime,” she says.
Time your meals. “Eating meals too early or late can impact your circadian rhythm, causing you to fall asleep too early or late,” Levers-Landis says. What you eat can also make a difference. Eat pizza or another greasy food at midnight, and you’ll risk being kept up by indigestion. Keeping a regular eating routine—and making healthy choices close to sleep time—will help cue your body so you will be sleepy enough at bedtime to fall asleep quickly (within 20 to 30 minutes is normal).
Reduce stress. “Your psychological well-being impacts your sleep quality,” Levers-Landis says. She recommends reducing stress by spending time with friends and engaging in fun activities. “Try yoga, ping-pong, dancing or making art or music or join a club on campus. Plan something to look forward to regularly.”
Turn out the lights. Screens included. A recent study showed that the blue light emitted from electronic devices (such as smart phones, tablets and laptops), is the last thing we should be looking at as we wind down. The light that shines from these devices has a wavelength that may disrupt circadian rhythms and therefore, lead to poor sleep
Reach out to resources. “If sleep troubles or stress continue, consult your college’s health center or other support resources for some help and guidance,” Harris says.
For additional tips on improving sleep, check out 8 Tips for the Best Sleep Ever.
The post Don’t Let Higher Ed Lead to Lower Quality Sleep appeared first on Mindful by Sodexo.